Monday, April 26, 2010

snail's pace is fast enough for me

busy busy busy busy.
sometimes life just decides to provide you with compulsory moments of rest and laughter. or else, we'd all go insane. this weekend was a compulsory rest weekend, according to my mother and according to the way life worked out. i only had time for homework today, and i stressed slightly all weekend about when i'd get my work done.

year twelve plays with your head that way.. even when you're sleeping you're working out what work you need to be doing when you wake up. my brain never sleeps, it's so tiring.

but, this weekend was filled with shopping, lunches, dinners, church, soccer and family (friends). it was a great weekend, and a welcomed rest (although, mum had to force the welcomed part a bit).

thanks to my mother and jerusha for topping it all off as a fantastic weekend.
i always love the time i spend with the twins :)

now.. back to reality.
goodbye lovely weekend, hello year twelve.

1 comment:

rach said...

compulsory rest. reminds me of a friends' experience and testimony.

we all know Psalm 23.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.

sometimes God has to make us when we dont want to. after He does, it feels great and we are refreshed(:

have a blessed day xx