Friday, April 20, 2007

snapshot #1

so, i have finished my blog. well i mean i guess i'll continue to add on things, but otherwise, its pretty much set up. i kinda made this template myself, so its a bit plain, but i'll continue to work on it.

my life so far..
i wonder how it is that you begin a blog, its a bit weird to just start in the middle of nowhere, with no blogs before this (except "getting the hang of blogspot"). well, i'll start by how God has been speaking to me recently.

on thursday at chapel, pastor dave talked about our generation being the "Y" generation. He spoke about the things that drive our generation. these are; friends, entertainment, new experiences and to make our life a big party. he then spoke about how the church has began to sugar-coat the message of Jesus; promoting the accept and get something out of it mentality. yes, we do not necessarily realise thay we are saying "accept Jesus and get stuff in return", but in reality, sometimes, we DO do this, but we dont realise it. He spoke about how we shouldnt preach Jesus as, "accept Christ, and get peace, get joy, get love, get problem free, etc" yes, he does give us things, but we shouldnt accept Christ just because we get something out of it. but instead, we should preach about repentance. this message really spoke to me. i was kinda thing in my head the whole time, "why would anyone accept Jesus if they didnt get anything out of it? why would anyone come to know Jesus if we have so many other things in this world that are much more entertaining etc? how can i preach Jesus in such a way that doesnt dilute or sugar-coat the real message of Jesus?" This sermon really got me thinking.

Today, in bible, we talked about homelessness and how its impacting Australia and Melbourne. I've realised that homelessness is a subject that is so much brushed aside by our government. we dont really hear much about this subject; even though, it does affect our society so much. if you even go into the city of Melbourne, you will see many homeless people around. i started to think how i could help them, and came to the conclusion that i would pray for them.

Something i realised today..
(nothing to do with the other two above by the way)
people are not perfect. you cannot count on people. sure, you can trust your friends, but ultimately, there will be times when they let you down. you cannot expect them to always be there and always be there to help you; cos they are human too, and they are imperfect just like you. instead, you must lean on Jesus, because he is the only constant in your life. nobody else will always be there, only Jesus will hear your every cry, and be there every single time you need him. Im not saying dont confide in friends, because you should. friends are important and we also need to trust them, but ultimately, dont get hurt or upset if your friends let you down, cos you have to understand that they make mistakes and stuff up too. just like you.

anyhoo, that is my profound blog of today =]
love you all and continue to check out my blog.
godbless xo.

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