Wednesday, July 11, 2007

a quick snap.

so its the holidays, and ive decided to write more since i am more free =D yesterday, we had a cartoon night with my girls from school. it was really fun, and we havent hung around much together this year, so it was cool to catch up again. and we really talked for ages, about lots. it was good. i guess it helped me to realise one thing...

and that is how caught up we can be with our own lives, in our own worlds.

i realised that there was a lot going on in my friends lives that i didnt know of. many of these girls were and are my closest friends, and thats why it shocked me the most i guess, because i didnt realise so much was going on, that i didnt know of.

i was glad i was able to have a chat with them again, and i guess i miss them a lot, in one way or another. it made me realise how caught up in my life i can be, without even wondering or realising stuff happening in other people's lives. and thats not a good thing.

i realised that i should keep my eye out more for my friends, i mean deal with my own circumstances in life, but also be involved and encourage the people around me.

so yeah, i hope you fungusses have fun at avalanche camp, and i wish i could be there with you all too...

god bless you all as the holidays draw to a close soon.

love you all

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