Tuesday, September 4, 2007


hey guys,
its been a while yet again. im thinking i should either scrap this blog, or actually use it, cos atm its kinda half hanging. ANYWAY, if people actually read this blog, i will blog, but if no one does, then i dont really see the point lol.

lots of stuff is happening in life atm, there are my music exams, studies, assignments, homework, school stuff, friends falling apart and friendships collapsing. yup, its all happening, and its happening fast. i am stressed out to the max, and i have no time to breathe.

its not actually as bad as it sounds. despite it all, im quite happy with me & God's "state" or "relationship" right now. i wake up every morning at 7 instead of 7.30 to do my quiet time, and its been really good for me. i feel so close to God, and i know that even in my darkest moments, he is there.

everything is happening, but i know there is a reason its all happening. i was talking to jerusha the other day, about stress (it was a really short msn convo) and i came to the conclusion that its not the stress, cos we'll have stress, and cares im pretty sure for almost the rest of our lives. its how we deal with it. im sure we can put this stress and turn in into a constructive thing...somehow. i havent yet learnt the key, but am learning =]

this week, my aim is; (actually i have two lol)
1. to live for others, not myself and
2. not bagg jonny about his ego, or about being chillian lol. (but thats a silly one haha, though me and serpil thought it was a good one lol, although hes so fun to bagg)

but i wanna focus on the first. living for others, ive found is quite challenging. time and time again, i find myself starting to talk about myself, until i consiously remember that i am trying to live for others. i guess thats how we are as humans, self centered and self absorbed, but we need to begin to change it. ive tried this this week, everytime i start to talk about myself, i think of God, instead of looking at myself, i look up. (not literally) and instead of telling people what i did last night, i ask them how they are. im still trying to establish what is crossing the line and what is just needing to spill stuff out though. its hard, but im getting there.

please continue to pray for my youth group and my church. all your prayers have been appreciated.

anyway, that was just a thought.

i miss all you fungusses a lot recently, and i think im having one of those sentimental weeks, again. like jerry said. its really annoying, the timing lol.

im trying to care about other people, as much as i care about myself. i know that sounds funny, but its harder than it sounds.

god bless :) and guess what? nick is out of hospital..YAY!

♥ dani xx

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