Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the beginning of the end

the more time i spend with my year level, the more like family they seem and the more i know i'm going to miss them at the end of this year. i know that right now, all my mind can think of is the sac next week, and i rarely think beyond a week at a time in school time, but i just can't imagine what it's going to be like next year when i don't see these lovely people everyday.

it's so comfortable being at school now. you've got your niche. your little corner in the school yard (or common room in our case) where you sit. parties are always on friday or saturday nights and are fairly predictable. monday rolls around and everyone gossips about what happened during their weekends and what unfolded at the last party. when it's cold, we make a cup of tea, when we have double study in the morning, we make bacon & eggs & hash browns on the sandwich pressers. when it's lunchtime, we hurry to the common room to toast our sandwiches or heat up our food in the microwave. we sit next to our set subject buddies each subject, and even though there is no set seating arrangement, everyone seems to sit in the exact same spot every lesson. you become good friends with your favourite teachers and bitch about the ones you hate behind their backs. you push the rules the tiniest bit but not so much as to get in trouble. take our diary covers for example - not one of them is un-grafittied or un-edited. we get away with anything by saying "oh but we're in year 12..".

the topical issues never change, it's always complaining about how much work we have and how vcaa are trying to ruin our lives or getting excited about the next party coming up, or who is dating who in our year level, or people complaning about how a small group of people are trying to ruin our year by imposing their set ideas on all our major events this year. and somehow, that's all we manage to talk about. our worlds are so small.

on the holidays, we study a little, and chill a little. we catch up and watch movies together at eastland or chirnside, or if we're feeling adventurous, we go to knox or if we're feeling like superheros, we catch a train to the city. you can be on two sides of the study scale - the one end is getting your homework done at the start of the holidays and partying for the rest, or the other end is cramming your homework in a day before school begins. and suprise suprise, the day before school begins, everyone's facebook wall feed is jammed-packed with complaints of the load of the holiday homework and how hard it is.

we think we're so big and grown up cos some of us can drive to school and every wednesday, daniel hogg does fish & chip runs when we finish school at 12.

school is the most comfortable thing in the world, and year 12 work aside, we could do school with our eyes closed. but next year, this will all change. no more cosy classrooms or common rooms, no more familiar faces or subject buddies, no more imaginary assigned seating, no more high school gossip or oxley parties. next year, it will all change. no more eastern suburb kids who all live on the same trainline.

i will miss my year level more than anything else. i will miss my dear family who i've spent seven years of my life with. until then, i know i will continue to unconciously take them for granted...

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