Sunday, May 30, 2010

this week the trend

as christians, our job is to share Jesus' love, not to judge the world like the pharisees did, that's God's job. how do we remain connected to this world, yet don't step over to become too sinful and worldly and liberal? how do we remain in Jesus without becoming too distant and self-righteous and disconnected from this world? how do we bring the love of Christ into broken lives when we ourselves are clouded by our judgements of others? how do we break the stereotype of being a "conservative christian" into being one who can approach this world with godly principles? i cannot draw the line right now. i can't tell anymore if i'm becoming too much like the pharisees who Jesus used to get so frustrated with. Jesus himself hung out with prostitutes and sinners, how can i become more like him? how can i reach a lost generation when they feel like they have to be somebody else to be a christian?

too many questions, too little brain space to process it all.

blog post #2 for today.

1 comment:

jonathan said...

funnily an issue that churches still fail to address in this modern world.