Sunday, June 10, 2007

thankful from A-Z

hey guys,
well exams are over and i could not be more relieved. haha. ive been trying to find time to post another blog, and finally, after two days have found time to. i got an email from danni (a lady from my church) and she had the whole A-Z alphabet and stuff she was thankful for. so im going to try it!

A - abilities. things i am good at, that no one else is. i think i always focus on my flaws rather than my abilities and talents.

B - best friends. people who i can always know have got my back. people who will stick by me no matter how much crap i give them. thanks guys!

C - Comfort food. oo like chocolate. things that make you feel better, ice cream, m&ms, when all else fails, EAT CHOCOLATE!

D - dancing. dance like no ones watching. its the funnest. and definitely and awesome way to praise God!

E - extended family. i miss them all each and everyday, but its them whos made me ME. they have impacted my life, more than they know. and its people like them who make this world..lets say..interesting LOL.

F - friends (since i just thanked my family.) friends are people who i can definitely count on. they say friends are the family you choose for yourself. friends are people who will never give up on you, even if you give up on yourself. together, we laugh, we cry, we have fun. thanks all of you for always being there.

G - grass. the best bed when its not wet or cold. the good times when we were kids and just used to play and laugh in the grass.

H - hugs! the greatest thing anyone could give you. small thing, can mean so much!

I - ice cream. especially, mint choc chip, triple choc, cookie dough and COLD ROCK! and trampoline, but thats gelati LOL.

J - Jesus, for dying on the cross for me. i love you jesus.

K - kids. they continually remind me that life is too short to worry. they continually remind me that sometimes, you just gotta smile. the remind me of the faith that i should also have. that everything will be ok, just chill.

L - life. for my life. for lives of the people whom i love. life is the essence of all this.

M - music. my i-pod shuffle and my cd player, and my cds and my itunes. i love my music. my piano and violin too. i love getting lost in a different world. worshipping the Father with music. its so awesome.

N - nice people. the people in this world who make it a better place, just by being in it.

O - orange, fungus. LOL sorry, i cant think of anything. but fungus' signature colour is orange so... yeah! haha. fungus was my old youth group, and you guys have made such an impact on my life. i miss each and every one of you everyday still. i continue to pray that God will build your youth and he will really touch you all. love you all so so much!

P - princess. i am God's princess, a daughter of a King. that is so awesome, to know that he loves me so much.

Q - quiet times. times when i can just sit there with my friends, and have silences, but be embracing each other's company. someone once said that you know when your good friends when silence is no longer awkward.

R - Rest. like now. i can just chill, and not worry about exams, tahela, church, school, homework, music, piano or anything. just taking it all in.

S - Stars. so many memories, they bring back good times. and times that i will never forget. a wise (young) man once said, "everytime you feel scared, or are facing something hard, all you need to do is look up and see the stars, and remember that God is there for you. and so am i..."

another S - Smiles. they can brighten everyone's day, and it is free to give, and priceless to recieve. walk around and SMILE!

T - tomorrow. we never know we have tomorrow, we just hope. and everytime i wake up in the morning, i take for granted that i can have the chance to wake up at all.

U - Umbrellas. to keep us dry! haha.

V - Very long emails. they usually mean something meaningful, especially from Isaac or grace, cos yano they took time from their busy busy lives to write back.

W - water. we are now lacking it. water is so precious. without, we cannot live.

X - xtra baggy jumpers. haha, me and stefi are always cold. baggy jumpers are awesome. thats why i like wearing guys' jumpers, cos theyre so big!

and X-cite. my old sunday school kiddies, you have no idea how much i miss you kids sometimes.

Y - YEE. glad to be one. proud to be one, love my mummy, daddy, sis and EXTENDED FAMILY (see above!)

Z -zzzzzzz. SLEEP! i hate going to sleep, but i hate waking up when im asleep LOL.

so yeah, maybe you should try it, you will possibly find how lucky you are.

thankyou God for all these things!!!
you are truly awesomE.

and thanks for praying for my exams guys. appreciate it. and yes i am so relieved they are over!!!! woohoo.

love you all. xx
(off to watch ugly betty hehe)

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