Saturday, June 23, 2007

the Yellow Leaf

The Yellow Leaf; Isaac Ho.
June '07 (my fungus farewell)

Summer's fading,
A chilling wind starts to blow.
As leaves start to fall,
So do friends come and go.

Trees grow proud,
As they boast crowns of gold.
But when that last leaf falls,
The trees shiver in cold.

You're like that last leaf,
So bright and full of cheer,
As time goes on,
We'll all miss you dear.

A youthful cheer's lost,
We all heave a sigh.
But we'll always remember,
The time you said "Goodbye".


Sypher said...

Danica, this is the guy wearing blue. Holding the guitar. I don't think you would remember my name you were so young the last time I saw you. How are ya doing? How are your parents?

Sypher said...

I'm holding the guitar btw LOL