Friday, May 4, 2007

a flashback

about an hour ago, my dad told me that it was CONFIRMED that my grandpa has prostate cancer. i dont know what it is, or if it can be cured or not, but i do know something; my mind flashed back to the times i spent with my beloved grandpa. i remembered all the times i had spent with him as a kid. i love my grandparents dearly, and my grandpa is no exception.

my mind flashed back to the times he used to take us to KFC on the holidays. me, aaron, dave & don (and sometimes hau yang and yu yang) would get in my grandma's old green car and we would drive to KFC. we had many memories there. i remember when my grandpa would take me on his motorcycle around the block, i had lots of fun.

he taught me how to behave, how to be polite and not rude. he taught me how to respect my elders. he taught me how to be a good friend.

i Love you grandpa.
please pray for him guys, as he is not saved yet.

my short short post.
much love and i might edit this post to make it longer later. for now, keep reading this spot =]

love love xo

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