Monday, May 7, 2007

the hope i have in Jesus and one year without you.

so, two different things in my post today.
1. the hope i have in Jesus.
yesterday at church, dad spoke about why believe what we believe, and particularly the passage in 1 Peter 3, when it talks about having an answer if ever a non believer asks us why we have our hope in Jesus. i'd never really thought about why. i've never questioned my faith, i mean ive had my doubts, but never actually questioned WHY? when i got home, i kinda asked God about it. i talked to Him and asked him WHy DO, i have this faith? WHY DO i have hope in Jesus Christ? i wasnt sad or anything, but tears streamed down my face and as i was crying, i felt God speaking to me. i realised, that i have hope in Jesus, because i know that no matter what happens, he'll always be here for me. i know that even in my darkest moments, he is my light and he will never leave me. my diary entry last night said this;

"I have hope because my saviour lives. He died and rose again. I have hope because i know even when everything around me is hopeless, Jesus shines through. I HAVE HOPE BECAUSE HE LIVES!"

this is what was written last night. when i got home from school today, i kinda wrote a song, just with really simple lyrics and chords. (somehow, the songs i write always sound like other songs. this chord arrangement sounded like ALL I NEED IS YOU by HILLSONG UNITED just in another key, LOL. oh well)

this song was about HOPE and the lyrics were from my diary entry (or based on it anyway)


by danica yee, inspired by God; since 7/5/07.

i have this hope
inside of me
i have this hope
because i know
my saviour lives
i know he lives

and i have hope
because i know that
even when everything
around me crumbles
to the ground
Jesus SHINES through
i have hope because
He Lives!

In Christ alone,
i hold onto my hope
all hopelessness
fades away...


so that was my song, with really simple lyrics.

anyway, im glad that i could grow just that bit more in God. i am eternally thankful for all the things he does in my life.

2. and one year without you.
yes yes, it is officially ONE year since i left fungus, one year today. in a way, it feels so fast, but also, it feels like ive been at cornerstone forever, im not sure if that makes sense, but anyway. i was listening to sarang hae yo yesterday and i remembered how much that song meant to me just a year ago, it bought back memories. memories of the poem, memories of the random dance, memories of "thats what friends are for", memories of the game where i had to spit water into a bucket, memories of ice cream craft, norway (LOL sunday school..) and memories of tears, and MANY NANY HUGS!

but as i look back on this year, it has been the most hardest, incredible, maturing, learning year of my life. Leaving fungus is no joke, gotta be the hardest thing ive ever had to do. i mean i move around heaps, but leaving fungus felt like a part of me was being ripped out of my heart. as i looked back on this year, i found myself thanking God for it. because i know that if it hadnt been for this year, i wouldnt be the person i am today, or made the friends i have, or grown as much as i have in him. ive really learnt to trust him, and although at times i get frustrated, ive learnt to be patient and persevere. its been a GREAT year, filled with heartbreaks, laughter, tears and joy, but all in all, a very very growing and trying year for me.

WOW, one year! time does pass quick..

anyway, i think im done now hehe

thanks for reading this SPOT!
keep praying for my gramps.

love you all,
peace out.

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