Sunday, May 27, 2007

ACMI, spidey 3, studying and LIFE.

hey hey,
im thinking i should really make blogging a habit, cos i'm really getting slack LOL. well, let me tell you all a little bit of what i've been doing this extremely crazy and busy week!

well, on monday, it was pretty much nothing different, studied and such.

we went for a chinese excursion with the year 7s, 8s and 9s to the great wall of china exhibition in the city and that was a WASTE OF TIME! we had to fill in the stupid sheets and it was so boring haha.

on wednesday, it was dad's birthday. so we went out for dinner, then i came home and studied haha, this blog is getting more and more thrilling!!

well, thursday was the fun day! we went to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) and we filmed an actual movie with the green screen and everything. we got to use proper film equipment. it was so fun! we got to have lunch around the city, and it bought back good memories from citycite. i miss citycite haha. it was fun though. then, on the way back in the bus, we were all going crazy haha it was funny.

I GOT MY PHOTOGRAPHY PICTURE DEVELOPED!! haha you can see the increased enthusiasm since it is in caps. i am so happy cos now, i dont have to get frustrated again. yeah, and i scanned my pic onto photoshop and used the mac lab to edit it. it was fun.

yesterday, we went for yum cha and then after that, i met lots of the funguses to watch spidey 3 at knox. that was kinda fun, except, i didnt get to see most of you guys for long. LOL vonnie and jassa, we were the only ones watching spidey and me and von talked through the WHOLE movie haha. the kid and his mum in front of us kept looking at us. von was like, as soon as the credits roll, we run, cos theyre really angry at us haha. anyway, i screamed like three times and they KEPT looking at us. it was really quite funny. good times.

oo today, today was ok, except we didnt have many people at church. that was kinda disappointing, but yano, you can never give up =] me and fi started planning our friday night this sat (cos were in charge this sat haha) and yeah, sounds like its gonna be heaps of FUN! woohoo. [IF YOURE NOT DOING ANYTHING THIS FRIDAY NIGHT, FROM 7.30-ABOUT 10, COME TO OUR FRIDAY NIGHT! ITS A GAMESHOW THEME.] yup yup.

anyway, on the way back from church today, i was just scrolling my ipod and i got to this song (thats playing now) Sa Rang Hae Yo by JJ Lin, and i remembered my farewell. i was like woah, that was a long time ago, and i found myself sheding a tear (just one), but i think im getting more over it than before. (if that makes sense which reading it now, it doesnt haha) anyway, that reminds me that ISAAC HO OWES ME A POEM! haha, that poem. i still miss all you fungusses so much though.

i think now with God, i feel like i just need to continue to press into him, he's not just there yano? yano sometimes in your life, God is just there? well, right now, i have to actually find and seek him before i find him. im thinking i need to chill with studies and just come before him. i keep thinking though - not enough time, need to study and all this stuff, but really, God should be first.

anyway, continue to pray for my youth group and yeah, for me too.

thanks for reading this =]

and btw gracie, i know haha, but i couldnt be stuffed changing it.

love you all

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