Sunday, August 31, 2008


i was watching four four-six year olds play basketball in their sunday school room yesterday. it was quite amusing. i am continually fascinated by the way little children communicate with each other and treat each other. their insults which no doubt cut each other deep like, "poohead" make me smile at their innocence and ignorance. ignorance is bliss. for some reason, as they grow, they grow less and less trusting and more and more cynical. i often wish we could be as carefree and simple as they are. they voice their opinions loud and clear without fear of hurting someone. they forgive each other after five minutes of hate, and play like best friends again.
i really do hope our society and the media do not corrupt or damage the kids too much. its so sad to see them grow up and lose that innocence. it's so sad when you see ten year old girls in groups of five each carrying pink supre bags and dressing like eighteen year olds.
=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
apart from that.. today was good, added to my junk fest weekend with m&ms today!
hope the rally went well for you all who were involved! sorry i couldnt be there.. please dont hurt me :D my mummy truly didnt let me go!

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