Monday, August 18, 2008

anyone else, but you.

somewhere in between blogging my last and now, i've come to realise that it's not about me. it's not about MY inadequacies or MY shortcomings. its not about MY failures or MY weaknesses. it's not about how perfect I can be or how good a christian I can be. it's not about me at all, and that's where i've gone wrong. it's all about him. he doesnt care about where i lack. he wants to fill that. he wants to be my strength, but i've been focusing so much on MYSELF that i've forgotten about him. it's not about what i can't do, it's about what he can using me.

and i am so grateful for 'God' who obviously spammed my blog with a million 'i-love-you's'. i love you too =)

on a completely different note, i watched juno with rachael defoe yesterday. i loved it. i actually thought it would be a really crude, ridiculous storylined, dodgy but funny type film, but it was actually incredibly decent. it was funny, and the characters were so real, and the ending was happy... everything i love about a movie. oh and of course, there was romance. apart from that, i loved spending that time with rachael defoe. we reminisced on old memories, as well as chatted about our lives now.. oh so much has changed! i'm really gonna miss her ='(

it was our church's 10th anniversary yesterday. about 120 people showed up - past and present. it was great to see familiar older faces as well as people i didn't know from a long way back in cornerstone's history. it was particularly great to see kelvin at church for once in like four years! the lunch was amazing - thanks to my mummy and the hall was sparkling clean - thanks to my awesome vacumning skills =)

i also loved encouraging an old friend on saturday night. though we never get the chance to converse very often these days, i'm very grateful for your friendship and i really cannot imagine my life without you. the good times of admiring converse chucks (back when we were too young and broke to own any ourselves), bagging jumpstart (with great passion!), and receiving that one valentines day card from you back in year 8. i'll never forget that conversation i tried to show you God exists, and i'll never forget the sheer joy i felt when i recieved that one text message from you yesterday morning. thanks for the encouragement, i know you wont believe me, but you acutally encouraged me more than i encouraged you. i'll be praying for you. hang on.

i started twilight on saturday. i gave in. i remember thinking, 'what a stupid storyline' but thinking, 'people must not all be crazy over it for no reason!' and so thanks to kim van tonder, i am now halfway through twilight.

formal is on this friday =) how exciting!

and the 40 hour famine starts in 4 minutes! i wonder if i can shove down some ice cream before 8PM o.0

apart from that, it kinda amazes me how my friendships at school seem to be absolutely falling apart, and yet i feel so carefree about it all. i'm actually really happy atm. i wonder why?!

lol. love you all =) xo

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